James Mangold to helm Taylor Sheridan-scripted remake of Disorder

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

After directing what is probably the greatest X-MEN movie ever with LOGAN, director James Mangold is in demand now more than ever. He’s got several on the docket, and now he’s adding another to the pile that teams him up with one of the hottest new screenwriters working in the business – Taylor Sheridan.

Tracking Board got the confirmation that Mangold will direct a remake of the 2015 French thriller, DISORDER, from a script by Sheridan. The story is about a follows a solider with PTSD being hired to protect the wife of a wealthy businessman while he’s on vacation. The original film was directed by Alice Winocour and starred Diane Kruger.

Mangold has several new movies lined up, including CAPTAIN NEMO for Disney and THE FORCE for Fox about corrupt police officers. Sheridan is coming off a hot streak with movies like SICARIO and HELL OR HIGH WATER, with his directorial debut, WIND RIVER, coming out with a lot of buzz from Sundance and Cannes. No word yet on casting for the movie or a production slate, but given Mangold’s schedule it could be down the road.

When I read the brief synopsis for DISORDER part of brain started to liken it to LOGAN, in that it comes off as a potentially heavy character study wrapped in an action thriller. If that’s the case then it’s right up his alley, as he tends to showcase very rich and complex characters at the forefront of his movies (3:10 TO YUMA, WALK THE LINE). I just hope he doesn’t overstuff his plate, as I’d hate to see him do any work without 100% focus.  The man only ever does one movie every three years or so, so his output is about to get cranked to 10. I could’ve said 11, but I don’t think it’s that serious yet.

LOGAN is out on Blu-ray now.

Source: The Tracking Board

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