New Suicide Squad magazine covers featuring Task Force X & The Joker

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

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The French magazine Cinema Teaser has unveiled two upcoming SUICIDE SQUAD themed covers that provide us with a fresh look at the Task Force X team, as well as Jared Leto as the Joker. I wish they would release the latter cover as a poster though, because I'd definitely hang it on my wall.

We're just about two months away from the release of the latest entry in the DC Extended Universe, so the marketing for the film is really going to pick up in the next few weeks, and I'm hopeful that the upcoming TV spots, clips, etc. won't give away key story points or any major twists.

Bad guys and gals always have the most fun:

Cinema Teaser Suicide Squad CoverCinema Teaser Suicide Squad Cover

SUICIDE SQUAD is due out on August 5, 2016.

Source: Cinema Teaser (via CBM)

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