The Dark Knight Rises with some new images and info from the cast and crew

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES camp has been quiet of late, save for the expected rating announcement, so here are a few bits to help generate that hype buzz you’ve been missing (or haven’t). 

First up is the cover to the Summer Movie Preview issue of EW, which features Christian Bale’s Batman and Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman. 

Director Christopher Nolan shared some info with the magazine, but was hesitant to say too much. “What can I not tell you about my film?” he said.  Nolan did comment on Bane, the primary villain of the film, saying, “he represents formidable physical strength, combined with absolute evil of intention.”

Actor Tom Hardy, who portrays the hulked-out bad guy commented on the muffled voice brute, saying, “It’s a risk, because we could be laughed at — or it could be very fresh and exciting.”

Hardy attributes Bane’s voice to the “comic book character’s brains and Caribbean heritage,” saying, “The audience mustn’t be too concerned about the mumbly voice.  As the film progresses, I think you’ll be able to tune to its setting.”

Anne Hathaway is Catwoman/Selina Kyle and Nolan views her as a different incarnation than has been seen before, like a “shifty cipher, calloused survivor, and world-class criminal.”

“She has a very strong way of protecting herself and those she cares about, which implies an underlying darkness,”  said Nolan.

“I had to physically transform,” said Hathaway, “Chris sat me down at the beginning and said, ‘Joseph Gordon-Levitt did all of his own fighting in INCEPTION. That one zero-gravity fight? He trained for two months.’ I basically left his office and went to the gym and just came out about five minutes ago.”

Lastly, we have a hi-res promotional shot of Catwoman, featuring mostly the B-side.  I know there are a lot of fans up in arms over her appearance, due largely to her not looking exactly like her comic counterpart.  While I agree it would’ve been cool to see the goggled version, I’m game for Nolan’s vision.  He’s never been a traditionalist, yet has been able to revolutionize the Bat-universe, while still remaining true to it.  I feel like we’re in good hands.

And, also, Anne Hathaway is pretty damn hot in my book. 

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES on July 20, 2012.



Source: Entertainment Weekly, Comic Book Movie

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