Navajo vampire tale Second Sunrise casts up, hopes to launch franchise

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

It looks as if we'll be seeing another vampire franchise coming our way as Variety is reporting that The Romero Company has acquired movie rights to Navajo vampire story SECOND SUNRISE from authors David and Aimee Thurlo, and have already begun casting with Eddie Spears (“Hell on Wheels”), Sage Galesi, Balthazar Getty (“Brothers & Sisters”) and A. Martinez starring. Here's hoping this won't be another TWILIGHT-esque series.

Joanelle Romero will direct from a script by Carolyn Dunn and E.C. Galesi. She will produce for Red Nation Films along with Rosemary Parks (THIRTEEN).

SECOND SUNRISE is being developed as a franchise starter, based on the first of four novels in the Lee Nez series, written by David and Aimee Thurlo. “Pale Death,” “Blood Retribution” and “Surrogate Evil” are the other books. Here's the synopsis for the SECOND SUNRISE novel:

New Mexico State Police Officer Lee Nez is a nightwalker, a Navajo vampire. Thanks to the quick work of a Navajo shaman, Lee can walk about in the day and prefers his blood refrigerated-but his vampire nature makes him a magnet for other supernatural entities.

Take his current cases. Lee suspects that the vampire who created him during World War II is back in the US, searching for a cache of stolen plutonium. And Lee's being stalked by the remnants of a pack of skinwalkers-Navajo shapeshifters-who are literally out for his blood.

When the FBI shows up, in the person of the very attractive Diane Lopez, Lee's problems only increase. He can't tell Diane that the case she's looking into involves skinwalkers or that its his supernatural abilities that make him such a great cop. And teaming up with Lee could be very hazardous to her health.

I'm always up for a new vampire tale and the cast is certainly interesting. We'll be keeping an eye on this one. Stay tuned for updates.

Source: Variety

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