New Punisher shtuff!

be giving you guys more on THE
panel that took place during Thursday Comic Con in a
little while, but for now, SuperheroHype
has been given the first look at the poster for the film (click the small
version on the right to see it enlarged), while IGN
has been given the rights to show the 2-minute age-restricted
"trailer", which to me, looks a hell of a lot like our very own John
Fallon’s DEADEN trailer/movie, only with a much bigger budget, of course… They
were both filmed in the same city of Montreal. Anyway, this trailer actually
does showcase a lot more action, and doesn’t feature any shots of Punisher
setting up fake fire hydrants, so who knows, maybe it won’t turn out so bad.
This next installment of the PUNISHER franchise is set for release on December
5th, 2008.

Source: IGN, Superhero Hype