Seed poster

Last Updated on July 27, 2021

I don’ know how many of you know this, but AITH
writer Eric Walkuski has a man-crush on Uwe Boll. Has for years. So usually I
don’t get a chance to report on Boll’s work because usually Eric’s on it like
white on rice. However Eric’s slipped up today and I’ve capitalized on that
mistake by locating the latest poster for Boll’s bloody ass film SEED.
You can take a gander at it above.

I don’t think SEED will be as bad as some
of Boll’s other works, but might actually be palpable. This is only because it
looks like an over the top splatter fest which may prove to be worth a night of
booze and blood.

If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, peep it

, otherwise just bask in the glory that is the latest SEED

Source: HM

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