What did you think of…Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

After all the controversy leading up to the new TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, the flick is finally here and ready to unleash on audiences. Diehard fans of the characters have been split on the new adaptation's prospects and it will surely appease and anger both camps upon seeing the finished version. Produced by Michael Bay and directed by Jonathan Liebesman, the flick stars Megan Fox, William Fichtner, Will Arnett, and Whoopi Goldberg, as well as the voices of Johnny Knoxville and Tony Shalhoub. Reviews are pretty stale so far, with our own JimmyO giving it a 6/10 in his video review and Chris Bumbray giving it a 5/10. It could easily be one of those films that fills that "guilty pleasure" void or perhaps one that let's nostalgia win over the defects, but it's definitely not looking like a slam dunk. You can check out all the trailers, clips, featurettes and more from the film by clicking the image below!

Now that you've seen the latest incarnation of the Heroes in a Half-Shell for yourself, we want to hear what YOU thought of it! You can POST YOUR OWN REVIEW of the film in the below strikebacks or on your own Movie Fan Central profile. Did they capture the spirit of the Turtles you've grown up with or is this another case of childhood nostalgia ruined? We'll continue to update the RT and MFC scores throughout the weekend!

Rotten Tomatoes: 87 reviews, avg score: 20%
Movie Fan Central: 3 reviews, avg score: 6.0/10  

And, speaking of Megan Fox

And, take a trip back in time with the Turtles in our tribute video!

Source: JoBlo.com

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