German 1408

Last Updated on July 27, 2021

This past summer’s 1408 broke a couple of rules with it’s release. First, it was a good horror movie released in the middle of summer. That alone generally doesn’t happen too often, as the ‘good’ horror usually hits in the fall. And second, it was a good Stephen King novella adaptation- and Frank Daranbont wasn’t even a part it! Add those together and you have yourself an anomaly that generally doesn’t happen to summer horror fare- and we’re all thankful for it.

IMPawards were hooked up this morning with the new German poster for 1408, and boy-oh-boy, does it kick ass! It really gives you that creepy hotel feel that the movie does so well in conveying, plus… is that blood on the floor? Sure, it feels like something we’ve seen before, like it was ripped straight out of THE SHINING, but still… this is one damn cool poster. Way better than the one North America was hit with, that’s for sure!

Go ahead and click HERE to see a larger version of it, and look for 1408 on DVD October 2nd.

Source: IMPawards

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