Burton on Pirates??

Recently Disney made the announcement that Johnny Depp was set to return as Captain Jack Sparrow in a fourth PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movie (and reportedly for $50+ million). But what wasn’t announced were any details on the movie itself, namely who would be directing. Gore Verbinski, who directed the first three films, has been non-committal on a fourth movie. While he’s off prepping BIOSHOCK, could Disney be looking to another FOJD (Friend of Johnny Depp) to take the reigns? Cinema Blend is reporting that Tim Burton would direct if Verbinski bails. Burton is currently busy filming ALICE IN WONDERLAND (which just began production), a film that not-so-coincidentally is set up at Disney. Cinema Blend also reports that the early concepts for the movie are set to introduce Captain Jack’s brother and that Sacha Baron Cohen and Russell Brand are being discussed internally at Disney to take the role. While all these rumors would be great if they were true, even their source, which they describe as “proven,” said to take the news with a “grain of salt.” For more elaboration on the rumors, head over to Cinema Blend to read the full scoop.

Source: Cinema Blend

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