Caesar is coming for Woody Harrelson in War for the Planet of the Apes clip

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

War for the Planet of the Apes Matt Reeves

WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES is looking awesome. Taking a very serious approach to the concept of a battle between apes and humans, director Matt Reeves has delivered a film that looks quite dark and intense, carried on the shoulders of CG talking animals that you don't doubt the existence of for a second. Reeves was clearly aiming high with this one, and it looks like he has succeeded in making something very special.

With that said, here comes my own low-brow perspective. A new clip released from the film shows captured ape leader Caesar (brought to life through a motion capture performance from Andy Serkis) having a showdown with a villainous human Colonel played by Woody Harrelson… And a line of dialogue in this scene has made me realize that if I were ever a villainous douchebag, I would probably carry myself like the fun-loving, inappropriate Negan on The Walking Dead. Harrelson's Colonel appears to be the opposite, keeping a serious expression even when Caesar says "I came for you." I don't know how he does it. When a captured enemy says something like that to you, how do you not laugh and make a sexual reference?

Obviously, WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES is too serious for laughs and sexual references.

Scripted by Reeves and Mark Bomback, the film has the following synopsis: 

In War for the Planet of the Apes, the third chapter of the critically acclaimed blockbuster franchise, Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel.  After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind.  As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the Colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.

Serkis and Harrelson are joined in the cast by Steve Zahn, Amiah Miller, Karin Konoval, Judy Greer, Aleks Paunovic, Gabriel Chavarria, Sara Canning, and Terry Notary.

WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES will be in theatres in just under a month. The release date is July 14th.

Check out the Caesar / Colonel face-off clip below, and try to keep your mind from joining mine in the gutter.

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.