C’mon Hollywood #192

… do another Mission Impossible!
by Sturdy

When you look at all of the long-running action franchises, they all have a common trend in that they’re variations of their originals. All except for the Mission Impossible franchise. Say what you want about the films, but they’re completely different from one another and aside from Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames, they have virtually nothing in common. I thought this would be the key that would keep the franchise going, but with the dissolution of the Tom Cruise-Paramount relationship, and the fact it’s been over six months since we heard they were in talks, I’m afraid we might not see another MI movie in the near future. TC and Paramount need to put their differences aside and get this series going again because it will benefit both of them in the long run.

It would be a shame for the MI franchise to die because you know TC has plenty of ideas up his sleeve. I’m an unabashed Tom Cruise fan, but one of the things I love about the guy is his willingness/eagerness to work with so many different directors. I’d love to see where he wants to take the MI franchise next and what director he could get to take it there. When it was said that David Fincher was going to direct M:I3, I was elated. Can you imagine the possibilities with TC and Fincher teaming up for a Mission Impossible film? I would love for them to revisit some of their ideas and maybe team up for M:I4.

I don’t understand when people say they didn’t understand this one.

Perhaps the guy who needs this more than anyone else is Ving Rhames. That’s not a slight to Rhames, that’s more of a request to make him a bigger part in the next one. The guy’s a scene stealer and he’s done his time in the first three. If Julia Styles can get a bigger role in the Bourne films, I think Rhames can get a bigger role in the Mission Impossible films. Although I’m okay if it is, Mission Impossible doesn’t have to be the TC show. The TV show was an ensemble that featured teams of people accomplishing missions. That would be a good way to take the next one.

Sure, it was a little far-fetched, but it was fun.

But before M:I4 happens, Tom and Paramount have to work out their differences. I think TC was shafted by Paramount, even if they considered him a “risk” after his public backlash. The worries seem to be unfounded since VALKYRIE has already pulled in over $75 million. If you can bring in over $75 million for a depressing WWII movie over the Christmas break, I think you have some box-office draw. If Tom and Ben Stiller can get one of their comedies made (I’m hoping like hell for the HARDY MEN), and it’s a hit, that should be proof enough that Tom is back on top and ready for another Mission Impossible film.

Probably the best all around of the series.

If we can have 22 James Bond films, I think we can have a few more Mission Impossible movies. The guts to drastically change a series with each incarnation should be rewarded. Even if you didn’t enjoy any of the first three films, they’re bound to have one you like eventually. Plus, Tom Cruise is great as Ethan Hunt and has created a character that people seem to like.

Source: Joblo.com

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