J.J. Abrams begins production on Star Trek 2

Paramount Pictures just sent word that the next voyages of the Starship Enterprise are starting today… in Los Angeles. Yes, principal photography (3D photography) has commenced on the sequel to J.J. Abrams’ acclaimed STAR TREK reboot.

Returning cast members include John Cho, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoë Saldana, Karl Urban, and Anton Yelchin. New cast members include Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve, and Peter Weller… yes, Robocop himself.

The film still doesn’t have an official title and there’s still no word on the plot of Abrams’ typically tight-lipped production, but they’ve built a set of the bridge of the Enterprise on a sound stage at Sony Pictures and will be shooting at a few other places around the county. The shoot’s expected to last twelve weeks.

“STAR TREK 2” (or whatever it’s eventually called) is scheduled to hit theaters on May 17th, 2013.

Source: Paramount

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