No plans for Supes

SUPERMAN has been through hell and back lately. From being dragged through a lawsuit to Routh’s contract expiring now to top it off the new head of DC Entertainment is saying that SUPERMAN just isn’t on the current agenda.

One might figure that it would be a priority, but then again there are a lot of other characters in the DC Universe to start fresh with. Diane Nelson said this about the status, “We actually don’t have any current plans for Superman. We’ve obviously done a lot of great things behind the property in our history, and it’s a key part of the family, but we don’t have current plans behind Superman.”

Nearly a month ago we thought that James McTeigue might be doing the next Supes film, but that doesn’t seem to be so with this news. This doesn’t mean that they won’t have any plans for Clark in the future though. Some of you think that the movie needs to be completely rebooted, some of you were just fine with the last movie, and some of you (not a lot) don’t give a flying f*ck what they do with it. Who knows what direction they will go in when they do get around to it. Right now I’m in the middle of reading “Superman: For Tomorrow” by Brian Azzarello which is actually damn good. It takes more of a trip into the Superman psyche.

They do however have some big love for Ryan Reynolds. When Nelson was asked about Reynolds ability to play both DEADPOOL and GREEN LANTERN, she said, “Ryan Reynolds can be anything he wants to be.” I’m inclined to agree. DC has got some good stuff coming up so when SUPERMAN finally does come up to bat maybe they will hit it out of the park.

Source: MTV Movies Blog

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