Cool Videos: Cool compilation of all Wes Anderson’s slow motion shots

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Fans of director Wes Anderson are well versed in this style and have come to look forward to catching how he works in a lot of his familiar motifs, one of which is the inevitable slow motion shot, which is used sparingly and to highlight a very particular moment, which is kind of the point of its usage to begin with. From BOTTLE ROCKET to RUSHMORE to THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS to THE LIFE AQUATIC to THE DARJEELING LIMITED to MOONRISE KINGDOM, the filmmaker has made a habit of choosing one or more sequences in each film that slows everything down, while a fitting song plays underneath. For some, this is a source of great annoyance, but for others, such as myself, this is the mark of an artist doing his thing and something to look forward to in each of his films. So, if you’re so inclined, hit play below and watch a cool compilation of all the director’s slow motion shots accompanied by music from The Shins.


Wes Anderson‘s next slow motion shot(s) will likely be seen in THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL on March 7, 2014.

Source: Vimeo

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