Creepshow: The Cursed paperback book by Elley Cooper coming in April

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Last September, the Creepshow franchise branched out into young adult territory with the release of the paperback book Creepshow: The Taker (pick up a copy HERE), written by Elley Cooper. Now it has been revealed that Scholastic is releasing another Creepshow paperback, again written by Cooper, on April 21st. The new book is called Creepshow: The Cursed, and the Kindle edition can be pre-ordered at THIS LINK.

Just like episodes of the Shudder streaming service's Creepshow series, these paperbacks consist of two separate stories. The ones that will be found in the pages of Creepshow: The Cursed are – 

– A girl’s fantasy of living in an earlier era becomes all too real after she buys a piece of antique jewelry…

– In the woods, a pair of teens encounter a green glowing figure whose desires are as mysterious as its origins…

Sounds interesting enough. I haven't read Creepshow: The Taker, but I like that these books exist to draw younger fans to the Creepshow property.

Creepshow: The Cursed Elley Cooper

Source: Amazon

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.