Ex. Fred Savage is forced to talk Once Upon A Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds & More

This holiday season, there are a number of things you can do to celebrate the time of giving. That means pack up the family and go see ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL. Okay, well it’s not exactly a family movie, but it certainly is a clever idea. Instead of just re-releasing DEADPOOL 2, Fox and company have turned the hard R rated film into a sorta family friendly film – one that is really funny. Most of the the new material involves the kidnapping of Fred Savage. The one time child actor connected to many fans years back on the terrific series The Wonder Years, so why not bring a little bit of that childhood innocence to DEADPOOL? It’s story time kiddos!

In preparation for the upcoming extra Christmas-y ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL, Fred Savage did a few interviews in support of the film. Yet unlike most interviews, the actor had a little fun and stayed in character – meaning he is being forced to do said interviews. So instead of the typical conversation, a whole mess of things came up during out chat. We went from SAW to THE PRINCESS BRIDE, to whatever the hell else we talked about. And as a bonus, the studio also got in on the fun by releasing an unnecessarily censored version. Thankfully, Mr. Savage was an amazing sport, and he’s an incredible guy.

ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL is about to school us all on how to tell a f*cking bedtime story! See the return of the “Merc with a Mouth,” this Friday just in time for Christmas break.

Source: JoBlo.com

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3152 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of JoBlo.com’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.