Exclusive Interview: Frank Grillo and James DeMonaco talk The Purge: Anarchy

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Let’s face it: if “the Purge” were real, Frank Grillo is the guy you’d want on your side. There’s perhaps no other actor working today who exemplifies “man’s man,” and though he’s an incredibly nice fellow, you probably wouldnt want to get on his bad side. In THE PURGE: ANARCHY, Grillo stars as a tortured soul seeking revenge on the one night of the year society is allowed to totally let loose… but instead he finds himself playing reluctant hero when he saves the lives of some innocent bystanders being hunted by psychopaths.

Recently I sat down with Grillo and PURGE director James DeMonaco in Coney Island, where we were able to talk about the sequel’s tight schedule, the audience’s reaction to the first film, whether or not Grillo would behave as his character does, and what’s in store for the franchise. (If you notice me dabbing my head intermittently, that’s only because it was about 90 degrees there!)

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Eric Walkuski is a longtime writer, critic, and reporter for JoBlo.com. He's been a contributor for over 15 years, having written dozens of reviews and hundreds of news articles for the site. In addition, he's conducted almost 100 interviews as JoBlo's New York correspondent.