Former Tartan boss Hamish McAlpine returns with ghost story Lost Girl

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

I don’t know about you guys but I find it pretty hard to actually be ‘scared’ of a movie. I’m sure most of you out there are the same way, which means chances are you’re like me and you’re forever searching for a flick that might actually make you sit awake at night. Am I right?

Well the only type of film that even has a chance of giving me goosebumps is a supernatural romp. I can watch torture porn and slashers all day long but ghosts are where it’s really at. So when news comes rolling our way today via Screen Daily on a new ghost story coming out, well it should come as no surprise that I’m going to hop on that shite and tell you all about it!

The project I’m getting at is something called LOST GIRL, which is described as a ghost story coming at us from producer Hamish McAlpine. This is big news because McAlpine, the former Tartan boss, hasn’t made a film since 2007 so it’s been quite a while. But alas the man has decided to make his return, and LOST GIRL will be one of his first features.

Now unfortunately we’re not offered much on the project but we are told that McAlpine (above) will be working on LOST GIRL with photographer and filmmaker Rankin, with plans to shoot the film in 2012.

And that’s about it. So what do you guys say? Kind of early to wager any guesses as to what we’ll get with LOST GIRL but as always you can bet we’ll be keeping our eyes and ears open for more on the project.

Source: Screen Daily

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