
Movies (duh), writing horror novels, the Mrs., the son, anything horror, basketball, the North Carolina Tarheels, sandwiches, walks along the shore, days off, my TV, margaritas, writing while drunk, sushi, and The Office. Oh and my forthcoming 2nd son.

Favorite Movies

The Dark Knight, Kick-Ass, Halloween, Night of the Creeps, Hoosiers, Sneakers, Unbreakable, Batman Begins, What About Bob?, May, Black Christmas ('74), Hot Fuzz, Superbad, Bubba Ho-Tep, Dead Alive

Killing Room poster

Back at the beginning of the month, I gave you guys some initial pics from the psychological horror THE KILLING…

’81 Bloody V gore!

Damn, and I thought I’d seen everything! At least, everything regarding the original MY BLOODY VALENTINE. I always had the…

Release of Leeches

2009 is about to be unleashed and with it will come a brand new year’s worth of new horror flicks…

Horrorfest theaters

Holy shit! With all the hustle and the bustle of the holiday season, I totally forgot that the third helping…

A Cult from Brooks

I thoroghly enjoyed the fun monster-mash that was JACK BROOKS: MONSTER SLAYER and I’m pleased as a f*cking peach that…

Killer Text trailer

How R U doing? I am 2 drunk! LOL! Please excuse the shorthand, I was just practicing my “text-speak” in…

Killer Projections

I just caught wind of a new genre effort that’ll most likely be heading our way some time in the…

Hell Kittens tease

A long while ago, I first hipped you guys to the all-out Grindhouse-style blood-fest HELL KITTENS. From the initial pics…

Lodger in theaters

A little while back, my man, Eric, pointed you all in the direction of the new trailer for the new…

Walled In release

We’ve been writing about the “scary, secretive building and murderer” flick WALLED IN for quite some time with not much…

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