Jason Blum confirms Todd McFarlane’s Spawn reboot in active development!

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

I've made it no secret that I'm both excited – and apprehensive – about the upcoming SPAWN reboot from first-time director (and SPAWN comic-book creator) Todd McFarlane. On the one hand, no one knows SPAWN better than the guy who literally created him. On the other hand…the last time they gave a comic-book creator a chance at directing a film, we got Frank Miller's THE SPIRIT…

Anyway, this project has been in development hell (pardon the parlance) for decades, but seems to have gained the most traction at Blumhouse Studios. However, it's still been almost three years since that deal had been struck between Jason Blum and McFarlane, and there's a palpable fear that this will be the HALF-LIFE 3 of comic-book reboots. Luckily, Blum recently had an interview with comicbook.com, where he had this to say:

There has been an enormous amount of activity on Spawn…No new news that I'm going to reveal here, I'm sorry to tell you, but the title 'Spawn,' I've been uttering that word a lot in the last two or three weeks and we'll have more news to come. But, suffice it to say, it is a very active development…I wanna make the movie so badly, I wouldn't put that past myself, and it's an excellent question, but in this case, I've actually been talking to other people about it, but there's been a seismic event on Spawn.

Hmmm…I wonder what that "seismic event" is? Whatever it is, I'm excited! Even though as a fan of the character I want this to be good, at least if it's going to be bad, I imagine it'll at least be interestingly bad. Here's hoping we get to find out either way soon!

But what do you guys think? Sound off below!

Source: Comicbook.com

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