Jordan Peele first black director to have feature debut reach $100 million

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Man, I loved me some GET OUT. Suspenseful, well-shot, and – best of all – it stuck with me afterward. It wasn't just an assortment of jump scares or a mindless bloodbath (though it also had both of those things), but rather it did what best horror movies do: it made you think. The scares came from not only the film's (admittedly outlandish) plot, but also how real the fears and anxieties it provokes and alludes to. It also is intentionally funnier than most studio comedies.

So it's with great pleasure to report that director Jordan Peele (of Comedy Central's KEYE AND PEELE fame) is the first black director to have his feature debut reach $100 million dollars at the domestic box-office (which is a great feat, regardless). It is also the fastest film to gross $100 million dollars for independant distributor Blumhouse, reaching that milestone in just 16 days (edging out previous record-holder SPLIT).

This is all great news! I can't wait to see what Jordan Peele is up to next. He's reportedly said he's going to make more horror films based on "social ills", which could be interesting. While I'd love to see him tackle a DC or Marvel film, I also respect that he's going to do what he wants and not be bogged down in big studio bullshit. Yet. Not only that, but hopefully his success – along with Ryan Coogler, Ava DuVernay, and more – can lead to the kind of different voices and perspectives cinema has long been lacking. Or one can only hope.

Either way, GET OUT is currently showing in select theaters. If you haven't seen it yet, see it right now. 

Source: The Wrap

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