Justice League Snyder Cut: Brand New Clip!

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

I know it's been a super long time since we've reported anything on Justice League: The Snyder Cut (kidding), but have no fear! Today we have a brand new clip from the upcoming HBO Max spectacle. Simply cast your eyes up top for your viewing plealsure. 

Okay, I wouldn't consider this clip much of a spoiler at all. For me actually, it's more of a head scratcher. I'm not sure why we are getting these stone-carved monuments of the League. It seems like the type of end credits bit that has been used in Avengers movies. Although I doubt this is an end credits montage because who would want to see an "exclusive clip" of that? I suppose it could be an opening credits montage, but even if so, it doesn't seem like a fit for that either.

I guess we will all find out on March 18th when the Snyder Cut premiers all over the place. I'm very curious as to what your thoughts are about this new clip, so please let us know in the comments section below!

Source: JoBlo.com

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