David Ayer says that none of the Suicide Squad surprises have been revealed

Last Updated on August 5, 2021


Given all the on-set pictures we've seen thus far of the SUICIDE SQUAD, you'd think we've pretty much seen the gist of what the movie has to offer in terms of plot development and characters. It looks like writer/director David Ayer is all too familiar with what has and hasn't hit the internet and he seems to feel that the movie's surprises are still neatly tucked away.


Shooting has been taking place on the streets of Toronto where the general populace has been able to grab some pretty sweet pictures and video of the titular squad, the Joker, and Batman giving chase. Filming will now head into the studios where spoilery pictures are a little more hard to come by. You can see what Ayer had to say on the matter below.

We all know that reactions to the character designs thus far have been decidedly mixed, so given that this is the first "stand-alone film" in the new DC universe not featuring Bats or Supes, I'll be curious to see how this compares to the usual Marvel fare. I have a feeling BATMAN V SUPERMAN, if successful, will inflate excitement for SUICIDE SQUAD. On the other hand, if it fails, that may diminish what Warner Bros. hopes to accomplish. No word yet on whether or not Will Smith will be contributing a song to the soundtrack.

SUICIDE SQUAD aims to hit theaters on August 5, 2016.


Source: Twitter

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