Deadpool breaks the record for highest R-rated Thursday night preview

The two aspects that Deadpool fans were worried about may be a thing of a past! First off, the film is bringing in some bitchin' reviews (check out ours here) and pleasing fans all over the globe. Noice! Secondly, it looks like this flick might actually make some money! How about that? The Hollywood Reporter is, ahem, reporting that DEADPOOL brought in $12.7 million during last night's preview screenings. Not bad for what's essentially a low-budget comic book film! For those keeping track, DEADPOOL now holds the record for the highest R-rated Thursday night preview!

With the production budget being about $60 million, this should help pave the way for a profitable theatrical run. I can't tell you how important that is, not only for DEADPOOL, but for comic book films down the road that deserve an R-rating. We know that the writers are hard at work on a sequel already, but this opening weekend will all but guarantee DEADPOOL 2 is inevitably coming to theaters! Chimichangas for everyone!

DEADPOOL is now in theaters!

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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