Details on the 6-minute Dark Knight Rises preview in December

It was not long ago that we were teased with the knowledge that Warner Bros. would be sneaking a 6-minute preview of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES with MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL. Sadly, as is usually the case with all things DARK KNIGHT, details were scant. But now we have a better idea of where you’ll be able to see the first footage from TDKR.

Our good buddy George “El Guapo” Roush over at AMC Theaters scooped the news last night that the footage will only run at 70mm IMAX screens and not the digital IMAX locations that are popular at multiplexes across the country. That means the preview will likely be limited to major cities across the US and Canada. (Remember, just because you have a 70mm screen near you, at say a museum, doesn’t necessarily mean that theater will be showing MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE.)

So where can you watch the TDKR preview? Here’s a handy-dandy list of IMAX screens that show which are Digital and which are 70MM.

GHOST PROTOCOL hits theaters on December 21st but has its IMAX sneak on December 16th, which will be the time you can start seeing Bats, Cats, Bane and the whole gang.

Source: AMC Theaters

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