Seven new Great and Powerful stills have arrived from Oz


Which is what it is.  I believe in Sam Raimi just barely enough to think that he might have some crazy cool shit up his sleeve, but the CGI-fest we’ve seen prominently advertised thus far does little to inspire anything more in me than a “meh” accompanied by a resigned shoulder shrug. 

I imagine that there’s actually a great deal left unrevealed by the movie’s advertising and promotional material – if so, the greater question is if anyone will turn out to discover what Raimi has waiting.  In personal research I’ve barely found anybody excited for the flick, and that’s just out of the few who actually knew about it.  But with the March 8th release date fast approaching, all questions will be answered soon enough.  Including what the deal is with this monkey-soldier-Idon’tknowwhat who’s always with Franco whenever we see him.

If nothing else, I imagine that the witches will be something to watch – with Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, and Michelle Williams, you know that the acting will be stellar and the… visuals… equally stellar.

Oz the Great and powerful new pic 1

Oz the Great and Powerful new pic 2

Oz the Great and Powerful new pic 3

Oz the Great and Powerful new pic 4

Oz the Great and Powerful new pic 5

Oz the Great and Powerful new pic 6

Oz the Great and Powerful new pic 7

Source: The Lebanese Cinema Movie Guide

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