Pirates of the Caribbean 5 and 6 to shoot back-to-back?

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES doesn’t hit theaters until next year (and the trailer not until TRON: LEGACY hits on December 17) but Disney is apparently so excited with what they’ve got that they’re putting two more sequels into motion. And they’ll film them back-to-back.

HitFix is reporting that Disney has begun quietly telling cast and crew members to begin planning for a back-to-back shoot of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5 & 6 sometime in the near future. But the big question is whether Johnny Depp will be back.

As Drew points out in his article, Depp is a particularly busy man lately and he’s already committed to both DARK SHADOWS and THE LONE RANGER in 2011. Now Disney is behind RANGER as well and could theoretically push that film back but with Gore Verbinski just recently signed on to direct and the search for a Lone Ranger to star with Depp in the film in full swing, that seems unlikely.

What seems slightly more likely is that Disney wanted to quietly alert their PIRATES “A-Team” to a possible mega-shoot in 2012. STRANGER TIDES was the biggest budget Disney ever greenlit and it’s very likely that its two sequels would be the biggest budget…well, ever.

It’s a big gamble for Disney, a company that has a big gamble still on the table in TRON: LEGACY that’s unclear if it will pay out.

It’ll be interesting to see how much interest for the PIRATES franchise there is next summer after the last installment of the first trilogy wasn’t exactly something that satisfied most fans. Are you interested in the further adventures of Jack Sparrow? Should they start fresh with a new batch of characters?

Source: HitFix

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