Robert De Niro is the bagel boss in bizarre Warburtons commercial

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Celebrities have been doing commercials for decades, and there are some truly bizarre examples out there, the latest of which is this Warburtons commercial which finds Robert De Niro channeling his mobster image in order to sell bagels. Alright. In all honesty, the spot is rather entertaining and De Niro is quite good in it. Check it out!

While speaking with Marketing Week, Warburton's head of marketing Chris Hook said that using humour and famous faces is the key to standing out. "It’s too easy to be glib. You’ve got [to have] an element of humour, and we are not shy of that, and be a bit self-depreciating and ultimately giving the brand fame and talkability," Hook explained. "When we looked at the creative proposal it was really about making the product the hero ad being very distinct and cutting through. Once we’d agreed the play on the American theme we said we’d need a really really strong character and quite frankly if you’re going to get anybody it’s going to be De Niro… Without De Niro we wouldn’t have run that creative."

Robert De Niro will be returning to the world of mobsters for realsies in Martin Scorsese's THE IRISHMAN, which is slated to hit Netflix later this year.

Source: Warburtons

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.