Sony nixed Spider-Verse crossover with Maguire, Garfield & Holland

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE was going to feature cameos from Spider-Men past and present with Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland popping up in the original end credit's scene but Sony Pictures ultimately passed on the idea. 

Sony brought multiple versions of Spider-Man together in 2018's SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE for an animated crossover that focused on Miles Morales but also featured Peter B. Parker, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker. They all came from different dimensions, which made the crossover possible, and fans began to put it out in the universe that the live-action actors who have played the web-slinger on the big screen should make some kind of appearance in the sequel. It was revealed that this was the original plan for the first film but, during "'s" #QuarantineWatchParty on Twitter for SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, producer Chris Miller admitted it was something they wanted but Sony thought it was "too soon" and nixed the idea:

Apparently co-writer and director Rodney Rotham wrote a scene with the three Spider-Men actors that also would've involved Spider-Ham. Sony saying it was "too soon" seems like code for "too confusing" which is a shame if the studio would underestimate the fanbase and audience like that. They were already doing something unique with the Spider-Man lore by incorporating the multiple dimensions so it would've been very easy to understand that Maguire, Garfield, and Holland came from their own respective Spider-Man universes. It would've been a fun little moment for the fans that they clearly wanted and I wish the Sony powers that be actually understood that at the time.

SPIDER-MAN INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE was a huge critical and financial success, grossing $375 million worldwide and ultimately went on to win the Best Animated Film Oscar. SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE 2 is now slated to hit theaters in late 2022 so there's still time to make this moment happen in the sequel. I'm sure by then it won't be "too soon."

Would YOU have liked if they included the three Spider-Man actors in cameos?

Source: Twitter

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