Robert Downey Jr. to talk to animals in yet another Dr. Dolittle remake

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

So Robert Downey, Jr. has been tapped to play Doctor Dolittle in the remake/reimagining/fart noise THE VOYAGE OF DOCTOR DOLITTLE.

No word yet if this will be set in Victorian times (like the Rex Harrison original) or modern times (like the first remake, starring Eddie Murphy). However, it does sound like it'll be a bit of an origin story, possibly about him discovering his animal gifting powers. The character is based on a series of children's books in the '20s, so it could also be adapted from one (or more) of those stories as well. We'll see when more information comes out.

But what do you Schmoes think? You down for more DOCTOR DOLITTLE? And if not, does Robert Downey, Jr. soften the blow? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Variety

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