This proves Tom Cruise really hung off a plane for Mission: Impossible 5

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

As each MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE film has one-upped the previous entry, Tom Cruise has remained consistently up for the challenge to perform whatever crazy stunts the production team cooks up for Ethan Hunt and his IMF team. While there is an underwater sequence in which Cruise had to hold his breath for several minutes, it is the trailer’s airplane stunt that has had fans questioning the actor’s sanity.

Modern movie magic has ways to use CGI to trick viewers into believing the impossible, but Tom Cruise actually did hang off the side of the airplane in this scene. Of course, there were safety measures in place, but the man actually did something that most actors would have scoffed at. Don’t believe it? Check out the new featurette below which shows Cruise getting suited up and the raw footage of him attached to the place as it takes off with him along for the ride.

Whatever you think of Tom Cruise as a person, you have to admit his dedication to his work is admirable if not insane. The MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE franchise has always excelled with the stuntwork and ROGUE NATION looks to be no exception. The footage of the plane scene in particular looks like edge of your seat work. Here’s hoping the final product is just as impressive as these quick glimpses.

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION hits theaters on July 31st.

Source: YouTube

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5908 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.