Director Anthony Russo says Captain America 3 will make fans “freak out”

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

With AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON still nine months away, fans haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what to expect from the already announced CAPTAIN AMERICA 3, but co-director Anthony Russo wants to make sure to tease what may be on the way. We have already heard that Chris Evans will return to the role of Steve Rogers and that Jeremy Renner may appear as Hawkeye, but beyond that we don’t know what to expect.

Russo spoke to about CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 and while he could not share any details, he did hint that when fans find out what is coming they are going to “freak out”.

“We wanted to push the character forward into the modern age with The Winter Soldier, and we want to keep pushing the character forward. We always want to be true to who Captain America is, but we want to surprise people about where he can go and what he’s capable of. That’s about as specific as I can get about where we might take him,”

Russo did not go as far as to say that CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 would be the end of the road for Evans but he did say the natural arc you strive for in a trilogy is a beginning, middle and an end.

“The great thing about the Marvel universe, just like the publishing, it’s a very vast, inter-connected universe, where characters will have their rise and fall, so to speak, and hand off to other characters,” Russo said. “As the cinematic universe moves forward, you may start to see the cinematic universe adopt that same pattern.”

Evans has already indicated that after his contract ends he will stop acting and move to directing. CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 would represent the fifth film for Evans meaning the handing of the shield may happen in the third AVENGERS film or possibly another movie entirely.

With the Russos returning to write and helm CAPTAIN AMERICA 3, the franchise looks to be in good hands as THE WINTER SOLDIER represents one of the best Marvel films released to date and a vast improvement over the already great THE FIRST AVENGER. Hopefully what is in store for us will not just up the ante for the franchise but also deliver one heck of a good movie.

CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 is slated for release on May 6, 2016.


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5908 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.