DVD trailer & Blu-ray art for Robin Hardy’s Wicker Tree, on DVD next month

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

After years of waiting, Robin Hardy’s WICKER TREE finally sprung up this January…only to be chopped down immediately by most critics. Only inevitable I suppose, that ’73 original is a damn tough act to follow…

Regardless, with the flick hitting the DVD/Blu-ray circuit April 27th, Anchor Bay has cut a new DVD trailer for the flick. We have for you to check out below, as well as the Blu-ray art there in the margin.

The Wicker Tree tells the story of singer Beth (newcomer Brittania Nicol) and her cowboy friend Steve (Henry Garrett, “The Bill,” “Skins”), two virginal Texans who come to Scotland to spread the gospel. These two innocents don’t know what they’re getting into as they find themselves trying to spread their chastity message at the estate owned by Sir Lachlan Morrison (Graham McTavish, Rambo, the upcoming The Hobbit films), who has revived ancient local religious practices when an accident at the nuclear power plant he runs rendered the area men infertile. The Wicker Tree was produced by Peter Snell and Peter Watson-Wood and executive produced by Alistair Gourlay.

Clive Russell, Honeysuckle Weeks, Callum Mitchell, Jacqueline Leonard, Prue Clarke, James Mapes, Keith Warwick, Iain Stuart Robertson, Christopher Leveaux and Christopher Lee also appear in the film.

Feel free to pre-order THE WICKER TREE on DVD HERE, Blu-ray HERE.

Source: Anchor Bay

About the Author

5375 Articles Published

Jake Dee is one of JoBlo’s most valued script writers, having written extensive, deep dives as a writer on WTF Happened to this Movie and it’s spin-off, WTF Really Happened to This Movie. In addition to video scripts, Jake has written news articles, movie reviews, book reviews, script reviews, set visits, Top 10 Lists (The Horror Ten Spot), Feature Articles The Test of Time and The Black Sheep, and more.