Interview: Keith David Talks Creepshow Season 2

Keith David has been in almost everything great in the last thirty-plus years. Seriously, look at his IMDB, and you’ll soon realize the man is skilled enough to have worked with every director and actor under the sun. From classics like They Live, The Thing, and Platoon, to Gargoyles, Rick And Morty, and Spawn on the animation side, Mr. David has shown no signs of slowing down. With the creation and release of Greg Nicotero’s Creepshow series on Shudder, we have gotten a plethora of outstanding horror actors and actresses populating episodes throughout its run, which has currently just finished its fourth season.

With Creepshow season 2 hitting Blu-ray (OWN IT HERE), We got to talk with Mr. David about his role in the outstanding episode ‘Pesticide,’ his love for acting, and much more!

Creepshow season 2 has the following synopsis:

A comic book comes to life in nine chilling tales told across five episodes. Explore terrors ranging from murder, creatures, monsters and delusions to the supernatural and unexplainable. You never know what will be on the next page….

Creepshow Season 2 Is Available on DVD & Blu-ray December 7, 2021.

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

126 Articles Published

Lance Vlcek was raised in the aisles of Family Video in the south suburbs of Chicago. He's a fan of fun schlock like Friday The 13th Part 7 and Full Moon Entertainment but also loves genre classics like Evil Dead and Big Trouble In Little China. Lance does many things outside of genre consumption, with his favorites being his homemade Chicago pizza recipe, homemade rum, and video editing. He has four Sugar Gliders, a love for beach bars, and claims Brett Morgen's favorite Bowie album must be Changesonebowie based on his soulless documentary!