A Nightmare on Elm Street and Gremlins hit Netflix this April!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

I always start Netflix related posts with the same preamble. As we all know, because we all subscribe to Netflix streaming at this point, the streaming service is notorious for throwing cool horror shite up on the site without so much as telling a guy about it.

Anyhow I aim to remedy this persisting issue by letting you guys know when cool shite hits, or in this case, when cool shite is about to hit. Case in point, this April two of the genre's ultimate classics will be hitting Netflix streaming.


Both flicks by the way scored 10/10 reviews from The Arrow himself. You can check out the reviews by clicking their titles above. Anyhow, to make the deal all the sweeter, both flicks will be hitting the service on the same day! Double feature time, dudes! The only downside to this is that both flicks land on April 1st. That's right, April Fool's Day… 

Now while I don't think Netflix is comprised of a bunch of cliche '80s high school jock villains, waiting to beat us up behind the gym, they do have a certain flippant-ness to the horror entries on their site. But I'm just being paranoid here. Right? 

Also appearing in April on Netflix will be :

April 14th: Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return (Netflix original)
April 28th: Small Crimes (Netflix original film)

And leaving in April:

Resident Evil: Extinction
The Lazarus Effect
The Mirror
Angel: Seasons 1 – 5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Seasons 1 – 7
The X-Files: Seasons 1 – 9

No word (as of yet) if APRIL FOOL'S DAY will be put up on the 1st. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Source: NetFlix

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