Cara Delevingne to co-star in Amazon fantasy series Carnival Row

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

KILLING ON CARNIVAL ROW has been a project that's been on my radar for years now. I first saw a script review of it on Scriptshadow, and always thought it sounded like a really cool idea – a mixture of noir, Victorian horror, and fantasy about mythological creatures being subjugated by humans, with a murder-mystery of a fairy (who are human-sized) at the center. It even went through some famous hands, at one point being considered the next project for Guillermo del Toro (then again, what doesn't he want to direct?) and THE FALL's Tarsem Singh.

Anyway, now it looks like it's going to be a show on Amazon, and shortened its name to just CARNIVAL ROW. And it also looks like they've got their main fairy Vignette Stonemoss, who is described as "a faerish refugee who flees homeland to come to the Burgue, where she must contend not only with rampant human prejudice against her kind, but with the secrets that have followed her to this new place." She'll co-star with the previous cast-member Orlando Bloom, who knows a thing or two about fantasy creatures."

Anyway, ere's the official synopsis, according to Variety:

“Carnival Row” is a fantasy-noir set in a neo-Victorian city. Mythical creatures fleeing their war-torn homeland have gathered in the city, and tensions are simmering between citizens and the growing immigrant population. The investigation of a string of unsolved murders begins to eat away at whatever peace still exists.

Still sounds cool. And after nailing that recent THE TICK adaptation, I'm more willing than ever to see what Amazon Prime has up its sleeve!

Meanwhile, filming starts this fall on CARNIVAL ROW, with a 2019 release in mind.

Source: Variety

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