David Koepp on his original plans for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Spider-Man, Sam Raimi, David Koepp

Believe it or not, but we're coming up on almost twenty years since the release of Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN. It was a different time, when comic-book movies were nowhere near the box-office juggernauts that they have become, but SPIDER-MAN was one of the films which helped to launch the genre to new heights.

Once upon a time, David Koepp, best known for JURASSIC PARK, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, and more, was brought on to write the screenplay for Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN. While speaking with Collider, Koepp revealed that he pictured something a little different for the sequels, which namely involved killing off Gwen Stacey in SPIDER-MAN 2.

Basically [my trilogy idea] was the telling of the Gwen Stacey/Harry Osbourne story but I spaced everything out differently. I wanted Gwen to be killed in the middle of the second movie, because that follows sort of the Empire Strikes Back model, and I had different villains I wanted to use. Just a different way to tell that story.

At the end of the day, David Koepp wound up not being involved with Sam Raimi's subsequent SPIDER-MAN sequels, but he did briefly flirt with the idea of returning when Sony rebooted the franchise with THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. "There was a time maybe seven or eight years ago when I was gonna come back for a couple Spider-Man movies, after they’d done their first Amazing Spider-Man," Koepp said. "So I was excited to come back and try to finish the story I started telling in the first one, and as we were about to agree that I was going to do that, I pulled out all the old stuff and I started outlining those two movies and I thought, ‘Boy, you can’t go home again. That moment has passed. The time when I was really feeling it was 10 years ago, and there’s no point in trying to recreate it.’ So I bailed." As we know, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 killed the franchise for a time, but Spidey is back in form now that Marvel once again has a say in the character, with a third installment of the SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING franchise in development.

Source: Collider

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.