Eric Roberts slated to appear in over fifty film projects in 2015

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

At the age of 59, Eric Roberts is busier than he has ever been. The actor known for roles in everything from his Oscar-nominated role in RUNAWAY TRAIN to THE DARK KNIGHT and more recently on television series like Heroes, Justified, and Suits, has been overshadowed by his sister Julia and his daughter Emma. While Julia Roberts is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood and Emma Roberts is becoming bigger with each project, Eric Roberts has continued to work at a breakneck pace, potentially even a record-breaking one.

If you peruse Eric Roberts filmography on IMDb, you will notice his recent resume is chock full of everything from short films and TV work to features both independent and studio-financed. All in all, 2015 has amassed a total of fifty projects featuring Eric Roberts that have either been completed or are in production. Fifty. Five zero. And it is only May! You could look at that as a fluke, but Roberts appeared in forty-two completed films last year for a grand total of 92 in the last two years.

In comparison, Roberts took over three decades, from his first part in the 1964 television series Another World through the end of 1999, to amass a resume of one hundred acting role. Now, he is going to eclipse that in less than two years! Granted, the majority of these movies are direct to Redbox fare and shorts most people will never see, but it is pretty damn impressive that a guy nearing retirement age for most people is churning out more work than some actors achieve in a lifetime.

So, without any hesitancy or disclaimer, we here at salute the one and only Eric Roberts for living the dream with no regrets. Here's to many more years of record-breaking filmmaking!

Source: IMDb

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Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.