James Bond: Taron Egerton doesn’t think he’s the right person for the role

Taron Egerton says he’s never been part of the conversations for the role of James Bond, adding that he doesn’t think he’s the right person.

Taron Egerton, James Bond

As the world awaits the announcement of a new James Bond, fans are left to ponder the many potential candidates, but it sounds like you can scratch one off the list. Kingsman: The Secret Service star Taron Egerton has been a contender for the role of James Bond for many years, but he recently told Total Film that he doesn’t think he’s the right person for it.

Yeah. I mean, I’ve never been a part of the conversations,” Taron Egerton said. “I’ve never met the Broccolis. They’ve never enquired about me. I’ve just never been one of the guys that they’re looking at. I just don’t think I’m the right person for that. I think there’s much, much, much better candidates for that role than me. But, you know, I’d be a very willing audience member. They’re brilliant films.” Egerton added, “I think they’re already got someone, and it’s not me.” As the actor already has a spy series under his belt with the Kingsman movies, Egerton doesn’t need to do Bond as well, but stranger things have happened.

Although Taron Egerton believes they’ve already found the next James Bond, the search officially continues. Everyone from Idris Elba to Tom Hardy to Henry Cavill to Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been mentioned in regards to the role. Still, finding someone who can devote themselves to the character for the next decade is challenging. Regarding the character’s age, James Bond producer Michael G. Wilson said, “We’ve tried looking at younger people in the past. But trying to visualize it doesn’t work. Remember, Bond’s already a veteran. He’s had some experience. He’s a person who has been through the wars, so to speak. He’s probably been in the SAS or something. He isn’t some kid out of high school that you can bring in and start off. That’s why it works for a thirty-something.

Taron Egerton will next be seen in Tetris, a movie about the development of the iconic video game. Egerton plays Henk Roger, who secured the rights to distribute the game. “It was hard to wrap my head around it,” Egerton said of the wild true story. “I read it and it’s just mad as a box of frogs, you know? It’s this insane story with this really lovable, eccentric central character. And, yeah, I just thought, ‘Why not? I’ll have a bit of that.’ It was right at the end of the first lockdown that I signed up to do [the film]. The world had been stopped for a few months, and I was just so excited to get back out there, really.Tetris will debut on Apple TV+ on March 31st.

Could you see Taron Egerton as James Bond?

Source: Total Film

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.