Jurassic World ride stomps into Universal Studios Hollywood this year

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

I have never been on Universal Studios Hollywood’s JURASSIC PARK: THE RIDE. Never been to Hollywood, and truthfully never had the urge to take the plunge. That said, I’m sure it’s a blast for certain peeps and today we have bad-ish news for that particular group.

Yes, it looks like Universal Studios Hollywood will be tearing down their JURASSIC PARK ride so they can put up an all-new attraction called… wait for it… JURASSIC WORLD: THE RIDE. I guess rebooting the film series wasn’t enough, now JURASSIC WORLD is going to be wiping out “Park” rides as well. Too bad.

The official site’s rundown on the ride goes a little something like this:

On this river-raft adventure, get doused as a colossal Mosasaurus dives for its great white shark snack. But the real danger lies ahead when the brutal Indominus rex escapes its enclosure. Be prepared when a 50-foot Tyrannosaurus rex comes to your rescue… right before your final plunge down a treacherous 84-foot waterfall.

That sounds like fun to me… I guess. I’d love to see a massive water-dinosaur eat the ass off a great white shark in person. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in thinking that witnessing T-Rex f*ck-stomp that hybrid dino in 50-feet high real life sounds like a blast. I don’t care for the waterfall part. Maybe they’ll let me get off before that happens.

Anyhow, if for some reason you would like video proof that this deal is truly about to go down, then you can always check out Universal Studios Hollywood’s announcement video below.

Again, if you plan to ever set your butt down into the original JURASSIC PARK: THE RIDE, you need to head on over to Universal Studios and get on it as soon as possible as the ride will officially be going extinct on September 3rd, 2018.

Source: AITH

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