Kanye West claims Django Unchained was his idea

Kanye West Django

Hey, has anybody heard from Kanye West lately? Feels like he just fell off the face of the earth. Eh, wishful thinking. In addition to…everything else he has said in the media lately, Kanye West is now claiming the idea for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained was his and not QT’s.

In an interview with Piers Morgan on , Kanye West (who legally changed his name to Ye last year) said, “Actually [Quentin] and Jamie, they got the idea from me because the idea for Django, I pitched to Jamie Foxx and Quentin Tarantino as the video for ‘Gold Digger’… then Tarantino turned it into a film.”

While Quentin Tarantino has been known to borrow or steal or pay homage (however you’d like to word it), we would have to think even he has his limits—and that limit is Kanye West.

Django Unchained went on to win two Academy Awards: one for Christoph Waltz’s supporting turn and another for Tarantino’s screenplay, his second Oscar win. Of note, Quentin Tarantino doesn’t once mention Kanye West in his acceptance speech. Hmm…

If Kanye West did indeed set the wagon wheels in motion for Django Unchained, we would be rather impressed considering the complexity of the screenplay. After all, this is a man who says he has never read a book. Now that’s a believable claim. We can see him being endlessly amused at a giant tooth bouncing around on top of a wagon, though.

Kanye West collaborated with Jamie Foxx on 2005’s “Gold Digger”, which became a Billboard chart topper and a Grammy winner. The video, which you can watch here, ended up having zero Django-esque moments.

What do you think? Could Kanye West have possibly come up with the idea for Django Unchained? Let us know your thoughts on the latest Kanye kerfuffle?


Source: Deadline

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Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with JoBlo.com periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.