Mark Romanek to direct rom-com Septillion to One

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Mark Romanek is one of those directors you'd think would have a bigger career than they do. I mean, ONE HOUR PHOTO and NEVER LET ME GO are amazing, and what I wouldn't give to see his version of WOLF MAN (I love Joe Johnston, but it seems pretty obvious he was brought on because he'd make safe choices that Romanek wouldn't have). Not only that, but many of my favorite music videos were directed by him as well, including the awesome "Closer" video by Nine Inch Nails.

But it looks like Romanek's back. baby! He has a new film on the way, and it's like nothing he's done before. Here's the synopsis:

An overzealous former FBI agent who has been relegated to the fraud unit of the Texas State Lottery begins investigating a beautiful and shrewd woman who had inexplicably defied all odds and hit the lottery jackpot three times. He realizes the odds are over one in a billion for this to happen, creating a game of cat and mouse with the suspect, with whom he ultimately falls head over heels in love.

So Romanek making a rom-com? Honestly, sign me up! I don't hate rom-coms out of hand (there have been great ones, like WHEN HARRY MET SALLY, ANNIE HALL, and PRETTY WOMAN), and I feel Romanek will put an interesting spin on it. Beyond that, the story actually sounds unique, and  the fact that it was featured on last year's Black List is promising as well. Count this as one I'm looking forward to!

But what do you guys think? And any favorite rom-coms? 

Source: Deadline

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