Bob Odenkirk’s Nobody interview on Jimmy Kimmel gets method

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Bob Odenkirk's reinvention as an action movie star in Nobody has turned out to be a surprise success. Despite opening at a time when most movie theaters are operating at very limited capacities, it was the number one movie at the box office last weekend, grossing $6.7 million. Odenkirk celebrated his success last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, although one look at the heavily bandaged and bleeding actor might give someone pause before trying any of his big screen-heroics. Telling Kimmel through gritted teeth "I got my ass kicked, I'll never walk the same way again," Odenkirk broke down in tears, saying he "had to do it", but he doesn't like that CGI crap.

Of course, it was all a gag harkening back to Odenkirk's time on Mr. Show. Ditching his bandages, Odenkirk told Kimmel that after the second season of Better Call Saul, he realized the show had gone worldwide and wondered if he could carry a movie internationally, and figured action was the most exportable genre. So he spent years getting in shape, which he mentioned wasn't a problem as it takes so long for a movie to get greenlit and made.

He also gave his co-star Christopher Lloyd a shout-out, mentioning he'd never been in an action movie throughout his long career. He said Lloyd was "giddy" at the idea of shooting off shotguns. He even went so far as to insist on wearing six real shotguns during the climactic action scene, despite being in his eighties, because anything else would look fake.

Of course, I loved Nobody, and would urge everyone who loves a good action flick to give it a shot. It's one of the best action movies to come out in years and Odenkirk kills it in the lead. Bring on Nobody 2!  

Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live

About the Author

Chris Bumbray began his career with JoBlo as the resident film critic (and James Bond expert) way back in 2007, and he has stuck around ever since, being named editor-in-chief in 2021. A voting member of the CCA and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic, you can also catch Chris discussing pop culture regularly on CTV News Channel.