Excellent! Bill and Ted 3 Moves Up its Release Date!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

My fellow Joblo-ers! We have just received the most non-heinous news that BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC totally did the opposite of what all these other upcoming movies did: it actually moved its release date up! With that bodacious babe WONDER WOMAN 1984 departing its August 14, 2020 release date, the Wyld Stallyns hopped in their most excellent phone booth and traveled back in time from their orignal August 21, 2020 release date to occupy WONDER WOMAN's! Whoa, that was, like, one big run-on sentence!

The plot for BILL & TED's third outing rocks out like this: Bill S. Preston, Esq. (Alex Winter) and Ted "Theodore" Logan (Keanu Reeves) are faced with creating a new "most excellent" song in just 78 minutes as the fate of all humanity depends upon their success. Returning for this new adventure is William Sadler as Death himself and joining the gang are Brigette Lundy-Paine and Samara Weaving, who play Bill and Ted's daughters. 

With the world finding it tougher and tougher to "Be excellent to each other," I believe we need Bill and Ted now more than ever! I'm totally stoked that we all get to FACE THE MUSIC one week earlier! Party on, dudes!

Source: Deadline

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