JoBlo Videos has officially passed 100K subscribers!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

joblo, videos, youtube

Every once in a while, we here at like to take a break from writing news, reviews, and features around the wide world of entertainment so that we can say thanks to you, the loyal readers, for all the support you've given us over the years. This time around, we want to thank all of you who have subscribed to and watched the videos within our newest JoBlo YouTube channel – JoBlo Videos. All of our other channels are centered on various trailers from the worlds of movies and television, but JoBlo Videos is all about our very own exclusives – content we make special for you all the indulge in until you can no longer absorb any more awesomeness. Thanks to all your support our channel has officially passed 100,000 subscribers with all our views totaling over 34 million views, which is no easy feat in the ever-crowded field of video blogs, and it’s an achievement we owe all to you – the fans.

Within JoBlo Videos are all of our own exclusive video features covering a wide variety of unique and clever topics like Movie Endings Explained, The Black Sheep, Awfully Good Movies, The Kill Counter, Top 5 Mistakes and, as of the last few weeks, The Beard and The Bald Movie Podcast hosted by our own Paul Shirey and Chris Bumbray – with recurring guests like Alex Maidy and Jimmy O. All these features are meant to expand your movie knowledge, give you new insight into some of your (and our) favorites and, most of all, entertain the hell out of you for hours and hours until the real world around you seems like a trash heap by comparison.

Starting the channel was a bit of a risk for us, even with our other channels – like JoBlo Movie Trailers and JoBlo TV Trailers – having such a strong foundation (shout out to you all once again!). While those channels are all about the trailers for upcoming movies like AVENGERS: ENDGAME, THE LION KING and really anything under the sun, JoBlo Videos is all about our own content, which was always going to be a tougher sell compared to the likes of superheroes and Dwayne Johnson movies. But you all have embraced the content and have come back with each new addition, growing this newest channel into something with a strong presence that validates all our hard work. For this, we again say thank you, and we will continue to deliver terrific content from now until the end of days – signaled by the loss of Shirey’s beard hair and the faintest of hair sprouting on Bumbray’s glistening dome.

Thank you, and be sure to check out some of our newest videos:


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