Mike Flanagan talks Netflix’s Midnight Mass

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Netflix and THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE and GERALD'S GAME writer-director Mike Flanagan are staying in cahoots with the seven-episode series is called MIDNIGHT MASS which will be directed by Flanagan. And today Flanagan spoke a bit about the upcoming series, saying:

It’s a limited series [currently set for seven episodes], but it might end up being more than that; I don’t know yet. Midnight Mass is kind of my baby; I’ve been working on that for six years. I started writing it while Oculus was in preproduction, and it’s a very personal, scary little story. For years, I’ve sat on it and waited for the right moment; for a while I was like, ‘No one’s going to make Midnight Mass, no one will let me do it,’ and now they’ll let me do it, so I’m going to go do it while I can!

It will follow:

An isolated island community that experiences miraculous events — and frightening omens — after the arrival of a charismatic, mysterious young priest. 

On top of directing all seven episodes of this new Netflix horror series, Flanagan will also serve as an executive producer alongside Trevor Macy. Unfortunately, that's all we know about this new series thus far but we will make sure to keep an extra close on eye on the show as it develops and pass along word as soon as we hear anything more.In the meantime, remember that Netflix and Flanagan have the second season of THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE aka THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR heading our way in 2020. The second season will be an adaptation of Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw and will begin filming in Vancouver on September 30th.

Source: Birth Movies Death

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