News Schmews Etc!


Because we can’t possibly cover all the cool movie news out there, we’ve created “News, Schmews, Etc.”, some quick links to movie news around the web we hope you’ll enjoy. Pictures are clickable.

Screen Junkies Inspired by Nic Cage in the BAD LIEUTENANT remake, here’s the ten best corrupt movie cops

Cracked Inspired by creepy romances, here’s the 6 most unintentionally creepy romances

Manofest 40 hot girls dressed as Jessica Rabbit remind us why we need a ROGER RABBIT sequel

Jessica Rabbit

TV Guide First look at Hawkman in an upcoming episode of “Smallville” is, well…Hawkmanish

BBC Not necessarily movie news but…holy hell in a hand basket, it does exist!!

Jessica Alba Jessica Alba chronicles her recent trip to go make out with Hilary Clinton or something

Jessica Alba

The Hollywood Reporter Seems like the Best Actress category for next year isn’t looking too good

Heat Vision A compilation of all the deaths in TOTALL RECALL. Yes, all of them

YouTube You wanna see all the major horror icons unite on screen? Here’s THE HORROR PICTURE REVENGE

Screen Daily Taryn Manning and Thora Birch join Hilary Duff in a lezzie threeway BONNIE AND CLYDE remake

Taryn Manning

Film Drunk One question about her boyfriend’s centaur self-portrait and Kate Hudson gets all uppity

College Humor PARANORMAL ACTIVITY deleted scene shows ghosts do more than haunt people at night

Kotaku Mr. T likeness adds a little bit of bad ass to “World of Warcraft”

Thompson on Hollywood George Hickenlooper and Alex Gibney duke it out in “Thompson on Hollywood” comments. Background.

JoBlo Video New trailer for Brittany Murphy starring thriller ACROSS THE HALL

Brittany Murphy

Source: Screen Junkies, Cracked

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