No Fools, Joss Whedon on shortlist to direct Avengers?

Yes, I understand the poor timing that this rumor has poured forth on April Fool’s Day, but IESB is promising it’s no joke: Joss Whedon really is being considered to helm THE AVENGERS, and is on the shortlist with Louis Letterier and a bunch of other mystery directors.

IESB claims this is the same source who initially told them SPIDEY 4 was being shelved (a rumor which definitely panned out), so it does seem that the truthiness meter is leaning toward legit on this one.

Whedon is perhaps the penultimate fanboy favorite choice here, with Buffy and Angel making a huge cultural impact in the 90s/00s and his dead-too-soon endeavors Firefly and Dollhouse are some of the best television series in modern history.

Though Joss’s film directing resume consists only of Firefly’s big screen finale SERENITY, the man knows comics, and knows how to make media that’s damn fun to watch, whether it’s on TV or the silver screen. Let’s hope that A) this rumor is true and B) he ends up getting the job in the end.

Source: IESB

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