Plane is getting a sequel titled, Ship, with Mike Colter returning

The action film, Plane, will be continuing the story of Mike Colter’s prisoner character while Gerard Butler is not slated to return.

Last Updated on February 15, 2023

Gerard Butler has carved out a nice little corner of the action market for himself. The only franchise he’s actively tied to is the “Fallen” series, however the actor continues to churn out films for the lost art of the self-contained, mid-budget action romps that still get some theater releases. His latest effort, the aptly titled Plane, has entertained audiences once they got past the laughably generic title. According to Deadline, there is now a sequel being planned for Plane, titled Ship.

Plane director, Jean-François Richet, is set to return for the sequel. It is reported that the story this time around will center on Mike Colter’s character, with Gerard Butler possibly only appearing in a cameo. In Plane, Mike Colter played a former French Legionnaire named Louis Gaspare. He was a prisoner accused of murder who was taken to transport on the fateful commercial flight with Gerard Butler’s pilot character. In Ship, Gaspare will be a fugitive on the run who seeks to lay low after the events of Plane. He finds the means to board a cargo ship making its way to South Africa, but unbeknownst to him, the ship’s cargo contains people caught in a human trafficking ring.

Per Deadline, the additional synopsis reads, “Together with the ship’s second mate/navigator, a last-minute addition to the crew who was unaware of its illicit activities, and a passenger with military experience and a bone to pick, Gaspare embarks on a mission to take down the ship’s corrupt Captain, keep its innocent passengers safe, and liberate its captives.”

The international sales firm The Veterans is en route to discuss the project with buyers at EFM with the intention of a late 2023 production. CAA Media Finance is representing the domestic rights. Discussions with writers and directors are reported to be underway, and there is yet to be any casting in addition to Colter’s reprisal.

Plane is still in release, and on a reported $35 million budget, the film has so far garnered a $43 million gross worldwide with some territories it has left to premiere. The fact that Butler’s character isn’t returning seems logical, yet, also unusual for a modest hit like this looking to capitalize on its original film.

Plane is currently available for rent online.

Source: Deadline

About the Author

2248 Articles Published

E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.