Rumor: Batman v Superman split in 2, Part One hits theaters in 2015?

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Remember when BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE was going to open around the same time as AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON? it was preparing to be the biggest comic book summer of all time. Then, DC moved the film to 2016 to go up against CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. Rumors have abounded that the delay was so Zack Snyder could film JUSTICE LEAGUE at the same time as BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. But, now a rumor has appeared that may change things.

An image popped up on Imgur (now stored over at Ain’t It Cool News) that purports to be from the upcoming teaser trailer rumored to be attached to JUPITER ASCENDING. The image claims that BATMAN V SUPERMAN will be split into two films, the first hitting theaters right before Halloween on October 23, 2015.

Check it out.

While this could easily be a fake, WB could suprise everyone and debut BATMAN V SUPERMAN: ENTER THE KNIGHT in just nine months. Putting it five months before the release of DAWN OF JUSTICE would also allow fan anticipation to build and give WB/DC a little edge of Marvel come time for CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR.

It has never sat right with me that BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE would have to push a full year to accommodate the film. It has already completed production so an entire year for post-production and special effects seems a bit much unless there was more to it. I still think JUSTICE LEAGUE filming seems more realistic, but this would be a really cool surprise, especially in this age of Internet spoilers.

BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE will debut March 25, 2016. BATMAN V SUPERMAN: ENTER THE KNIGHT may be here a bit sooner.

Source: Ain't It Cool

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Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.